Fame brings lots of perks, like free gifts or easy promotions. Your actions will build your Sim a positive or negative reputation. Get Famous : Earn fame by posting on Simstagram, streaming, or filming, editing, and uploading videos.It also adds the "Off the Grid" lot feature, which lowers your utility bills since the home doesn’t use electricity or running water. You can clean up beaches, catch a tan, and go swimming.

Island Living : This pack gets you Sulani, a tropical paradise, plus a Conservationist career branch.The worlds of The Sims can feel a little isolated, so if you want more excitement, this is a good option-just note that there aren’t any empty lots to build on. City Living : This adds San Myshuno, a bustling metropolis complete with apartments, karaoke bars, and frequent events.Discover University adds two colleges, plus the option to earn degrees, which get Sims better jobs and higher starting pay.

You can get your dream job and become a rocket scientist, make friends (or enemies), and even cheat your way to riches. In these games, you design a person, build them a house, and then take care of their every need. The Sims 4 has helped me cope with quarantine, but I've been a fan of the series since I was young.